Sinulog Festival, is the country’s biggest pageantry of sights, sounds and colors, the fiesta of Cebu in honor of the child Jesus, the Santo Nino, celebrated every third Sunday of January. It is Pagan Ritual Dance, in honor of the Gods, that commemorates the Cebuano’s pagan origin, and their acceptance of Christianity.
The word “Sinulog” comes from the Cebuano adverb sulog which means "like water current movement”, that describes the forward-backward movement of the Sinulog dance. The dance consists of two steps forward and one step backward, done to the sound of drums. The Augustinian Priest appreciated the native culture and it was preserved but limited to honoring the Santo Nino.
The Devotees offering candles and the dancers shouting “PIT SENOR” (Hail the King), they shout to make sure that that they will be heard.
Today is a one week celebration of dance, exhibits, culture, concerts and more. And on the last day is the Grand Mardi Gras of Street Dancing , floats and higantes (Giants) participated from different schools and provinces even contingents from other countries.