The residence of the first Bishop of Cebu, Bishop Juan Gorordo (1862 – 1934) born in Barili south of Cebu, this house was built in 1860’s, in Parian District, reputation as the richest and most productive district and also the center of commerce of Cebu, this is also the residence of the prominent families who were aristocratic and religious.
The house has a Red Clay roofing, huge post, Haligi of roughly hewn logs. Stone walls in the lower level and Molave in the upper story. The first story- walled stone blocks locally called Bituka Tinablya. Mixture of lime and cement as a thin coating or paletada on the wall surface, they mixed lime, egg whites or sap of the tree Lawat to achieve consistency. Second floor is made of Philippine hardwood, post Tugas and Tugas and Bayong for the floor. The interior and stairs are made up of Narra. Parts of the house are called Sala, Capilla, Comedor, Kusina and Banggera.